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Blog - Caring for flowers

The key to long lasting flowers?

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The key to lasting tropical flowers is pretty simple. By following some of the basic points below - you will be able to maximise your flowers life.

Here are a few basic guidelines and fundamentals that should be followed.

  1. Water is critical. All flowers (and foliage for that matter) begin to decline as moisture and food reserves run out, so keeping cut flowers well hydrated is critical. Tropicals thrive in monsoonal regions so they love water. We start by ensuring our flowers and foliage are well hydrated BEFORE we even begin the harvesting process. We irrigate throughout the night most of the year to maximise their turgity (healthy cell status which keeps the flower rigid). 

    When we do harvest (early mornings, several times each week), we immediately place the cut stems into clean water. We believe this is so important that we have had custom designed mobile water trolleys constructed to ensure our flowers are placed in water immediately after picking and transported from the fields in fresh water. They are not waiting until they arrive in bulk at our processing facilities before they have an opportunity to drink. It might not seem like a long time, but it is our belief that the first hour after harvesting our flowers is very important.

    Mobile Water Trolley
  2. Stems should be re-cut when your flowers arrive. Re-cutting stems gives the flower another opportunity to re-hydrate / feed. A 45 degree angle helps to create more surface area for the flower to utilise when feeding.
  3. All flowers suffer if temperatures reach extremes (hot or cold). Tropicals are more sensitive to temperature below 10 degrees and this should really be avoided. 
  4. Remove any dead material ad keep them away from ripening fruit. As flowers and fruit breakdown, they release a gas (ethylene) which accelerates the decomposing process. Keeping them away from this gas will lengthen the life of other flowers.
  5. Flowers and foliage can continue to feed after they have been cut if the environment is right.  Starch and sugars (the plant carbohydrates) are stored in the stems, leaves, and the flower heads, so flower food additives can definitely assist in lengthening the life of your flowers.

If you have anything that you would like to me to answer - feel free to email me.

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