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Florist Flowers

Tropical Blooms is a supplier to many florists across Australia. We pride ourselves on our quality and convienience for the Florist. If you are a  florist and are looking for a supplier of fresh tropical flowers, foliage and orchids - contact us and we will be more than happy to assist.

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  • Jumbo Mixed Foliage (shipping included)
    Jumbo Mixed Foliage (shipping included)
    $151.47 (inc GST) $137.70 (ex GST)
    This is our largest mixed foliage box. It has a great range of red, green and yellow foliage in a variety of products. The box includes: - 12 bunches of mixed colour tropical leaves (7-12 stem bunches) - 9 stems of 50cm...
  • Heliconia 100 Stem Box (shipping included)
    Heliconia 100 Stem Box (shipping included)
    $198.00 (inc GST) $180.00 (ex GST)
    A great mix of our Heliconia Psittacorums. 100 stems in a range of colours. A value box with included shipping.
  • Heliconia Pssitacorums
    Heliconia Range - Mixed Box (shipping included)
    $151.47 (inc GST) $137.70 (ex GST)
    Order a mixed box of our Heliconia range and it will be delivered right to your door. This is a great mix of feature flowers for florists to create multiple tropical arrangements including corporates. The flowers are 95cm...

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